As the Trump Administration is planning on signing an Executive Order to close the Department of Education and potentially move the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act under another Department, it is critical that advocates share with Members of Congress the importance of the Department and IDEA.
The U.S. Department of Education (the “Department”) is in imminent danger of being weakened and dismantled by the Administration through proposed Executive Orders, Reductions in Force, and through legislation in Congress. Such actions would have dire consequences for students, educators, the future of our education system, and especially students with disabilities. Specifically, these actions could result in the loss of Individualized Education Programs (IEPs), 504 plans, and civil rights protections under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, as well as the loss of billions of dollars in funding for special education services and programs.
Disability laws and special education have always had strong bipartisan support. We call on the Administration and Congress to step back and discuss ways to improve the U.S. education system and best serve students with disabilities in a bipartisan manner before it’s too late.
A strong Department of Education is critical to students with disabilities, their families, and educators. The Department:
- Is responsible for implementing the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (“IDEA”), the federal law that guarantees a free and appropriate public education (FAPE) for students with disabilities;
- Provides billions of dollars to states and local school districts to serve students with disabilities and for critically important programs such as technical assistance centers on topics like positive behavior supports, universal design for learning, and inclusive higher education for students with intellectual disabilities; and
- Is charged with protecting the civil rights of students with disabilities and investigating patterns of discrimination within individual states and across the country.
Current threats to the Department include:
- A bill introduced by Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY) (HR. 899) that would abolish the Department of Education;
- Pending executive orders to direct the Department to close;
- Reduction in Force that resulted in 1,300 individuals being laid off from the Department and 7 district Office of Civil Rights closed;
- Block granting IDEA funds to the states with “no strings attached” which could mean loss of Individualized Education Programs (IEPs), parental rights, and civil rights protections for students with disabilities; and
- Dismantling the Department and scattering certain offices to other government agencies that lack the experience and expertise to implement IDEA and protect students with disabilities.
It would take an act of Congress to completely close the Department, but it is already being dismantled from within as employees are being fired and grants are being canceled.
NOW is the time to contact your U.S. Senators and Representatives and urge them to oppose all efforts to dismantle the U.S. Department of Education. Call, email, and contact them on social media.
See this fact sheet on the Federal vs. State Role in Special Education.
See this fact sheet on how the Department of Ed is essential for students with disabilities.